Except for teachers


From one very unexpected group of Americans, comes a flat out rejection of one of the cherished goals of the Obama administration through Michelle Obama. That is to redefine the diet of young Americans, far too many of whom are obese.   This is the year starting now around the country, in most jurisdictions when the cafeteria will look a lot different than they did last year. This is the year when all those rules on diet kick in.

Except for some people. So you are a student in public school or in middle school or high school and you go to the vending machine now bottled water instead of codas, baked ‘veggie’ chips instead of potato chips, celery and carrot sticks instead of candy bars. The meals at the cafeteria are way different than they were last year.

It is not so much different in the teachers’ lounge. The vending machines in the teachers’ lounge are exempt from the federal rules.   The teachers are going to get chips and sodas and candy bars because of the Teachers Unions which donated heavily to the Obama campaigns.

Here are the details: “Nutrition guidelines cover all foods and beverages sold on the school campus in student areas. This includes vending machine, school stores, snack shops, coffee carts….” Basically anything sold outside the school lunch and breakfast programs. This is been expanded from the school lunch and breakfast programs into all the other stuff, no more chocolate candy bar fundraiser , no more bake sales, etc. Here’s the finally sentence: “Teachers lounges are exempt from the regulation.”

school lunch program


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