Weaker in Review 4-6-2016

Random Oddservations

The first sentence of Congress’ Obamacare repeal should read: “There shall be a free market in health insurance.”  Right there, I’ve solved the health insurance crisis for 90 percent of Americans. Unfortunately, no one can imagine what a free market in health care looks like because we have not had one for nearly a century.

We don’t need Congress to “provide” us with health care anymore than we need them to “provide” us with bread. What we need is for health insurance to be available on the free market.  With lots of companies competing for your business, basic health insurance would cost about $50 a month. We know the cost because Christian groups got a waiver from Obamacare, and that’s how much their insurance costs right now. (Under the law, it cannot be called “insurance,” but that is what it is.)

An expanded version- feel free to  comment on any improvement you would like to see. :


Weaker in Review

Senate Democrats apparently could take some tips from Senate Republicans in hiring more racially diverse senior staff. Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., noting that Republicans have an edge on Democrat colleagues in this department, said he wants to encourage his colleagues to find and bring on board qualified minority applicants.  “We have one of the most diverse staff[s] in the Senate, and that means you get more information with different perspectives than my other colleagues, which has been very helpful,” Scott told The Daily Signal in an interview.  http://dailysignal.com/2017/03/29/this-senator-is-1-of-only-5-with-a-top-staffer-who-isnt-white

Ex-high school teacher Robert Todd Wiley claims sexually explicit material he sent to teen girl is protected under the First Amendment. Wiley’s attorney doesn’t deny images were sent, the newspaper reported — only the charge that they’re obscene.  http://www.theblaze.com/news/2017/03/29/ex-teacher-claims-sexually-explicit-material-he-sent-teen-girl-is-protected-under-first-amendment/


Books You’re Not Supposed to Read

Doubts About Darwin: A History of Intelligent Design, by Thomas Woodward; Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2004.  ISBN-13: 978-0801064432 Hardcover $8.97  320 pages

Rock-It™   Dana Gillespie  When she walked out on stage at Gammage Auditorium on the Arizona State University Campus wearing a dominatrix uniform, I knew this was a woman to follow her career.  Her first two albums  put out in 1968 were extremely self centered with songs like “Dead”,  “Life is Short”,  way before the current epidemic of kids “cutting” themselves.  Then in 1973  and 74 the two albums she came out with will go down as classics.   Gillespie wishes her men could be. “I lost my teddy bear/He just vanished in the fog/You love like a lady/You walk like a sailor/It’s so sad/You weren’t born a man.” It is so sad that this excellent album did not make bigger waves.  You did not her from her again until 1982 where she has transition to an entirely blues singer and she has a way of singing some of the funniest double entendre blues songs ever.

The Correct Side of the Story


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